After a long wait, the Queensland Payroll Tax Exemption for general practitioners (GPs) has finally arrived. At time of publication, GPs – contracted or employed – are officially exempt from payroll tax. This has been implemented via an administrative arrangement; Public Ruling PTAQ014.1.1 which was issued 6 December 2024.
So, what does this mean for your medical practice? Let’s break it down.
The ruling confirms several important points:
This is a landmark decision, making Queensland the first state to achieve this outcome for GPs.
If your practice has been paying payroll tax for GPs, here’s what changes:
If you applied for the Queensland Payroll Tax Amnesty, there’s no further action required. Queensland Revenue Office has already sent confirmation in early December 2024, and your amnesty obligations have been completed.
Even with the GP exemption, it’s important to keep up with payroll tax registration requirements. A business must register for payroll tax if group taxable wages exceed $25,000 per week – even if the total is below the annual $1.3 million threshold.
With data-matching via Single Touch Payroll, Queensland Revenue is monitoring payroll tax compliance in real time. Businesses exceeding the registration threshold can expect a ‘Prompt from the Commissioner’ notification.
While the GP payroll tax exemption is a welcome relief, there are still financial and compliance concerns to keep in mind:
✔ Ensure agreements align with business operations: Your documentation should accurately reflect how your practice operates.
✔ Review exemptions for non-GP specialists: Not all medical professionals qualify for the exemption. Understand arrangements you have in place and the relevant exemption so you are clear on your payroll tax exposure and obligations.
✔ Stay on top of your practice’s financial health: Have you reviewed your budget recently? With rising costs, regular financial modelling and cash flow analysis can help prevent financial surprises.
✔ Superannuation compliance matters: If you pay contractors hourly, you may have Superannuation Guarantee (SG) exposure. Late superannuation payments are strictly monitored by the ATO – make sure payments are processed on time.
Navigating payroll tax, financial compliance, and practice management can be a lot on your own. Our team at Cutcher & Neale are here to help. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation at 1800 988 522 or